Hear it from someone else

Nora Paller Hear it from someone else

I was talking with a Senior Executive in an organization I knew well. He complained “Nora, I really resent it when you come to meet with the CEO.” “What, Why?” I asked, feeling upset and anxious. “Because, you tell him what we have been saying for years, and suddenly he announces he is going to […]

Who walks with you?


I’ve noticed that successful leaders have trouble asking for help. Years of being the one who others look to for answers may be part of the reason. Or, maybe it is a personality type that is drawn to leadership. At some point this becomes a less effective strategy, and it is time to seek the […]

Chunk and gamify your goals

Once you have set your goals, how do you chunk them down into smaller, achievable steps? Some people set an intention and it manifests for them without much thought or effort. If this is NOT you, read on. The rest of us mortals need more structure.

Pick one

We all know that it is hard to change our habitual practices- not signaling when we turn right, or leaving the lights on, or ignoring bad behavior by our best salesperson. So, if you were to pick one thing to address in 2024, what one little thing would make the biggest difference? Let’s look for […]

Peace on earth, good will to men…

Peace on earth, good will to men has not had a good year.The war in Ukraine continues, the MidEast has erupted, Jews and Palestinians in the US who had nothing to do with the violence in the MidEast are being threatened. The amount of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in every continent has skyrocketed. Rather […]

Short bursts of play

Bogie, my standard poodle, burst into my office with a toy he found on a walk and ran around daring me to chase him – which of course I jumped up and did. For 5 minutes, I chased him and threw his toy until he was done, and so was I. If you have kids […]

Your energy

Nora Paller Blog

There is a great saying by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Who you are speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you are saying.”  As a leader, this is probably magnified 10x.

What is all that money for?

The death of Charlie Munger this week at 99 years old made me think again about the age old question: what is all that money for? Charlie Munger, who ran Berkshire Hathaway with Warren Buffett, gave over 75% of his assets away over many years. He never showed up in the list of the 500 […]

The business of apple pie making

For years, I have made apple pie for Thanksgiving with a recipe I have perfected. I like Granny Smith apples with lots of lemon, cream and cinnamon – light on the sugar. Every year it is different based on the sourness of the apples.

The water you swim in

What color is the water you swim in? You probably can’t know because you don’t see the water you swim in. From the outside of your fishbowl, – your customers, your advisors, your bankers, your competitors -they see the color of the water you swim in. It is a filter through which they see you.