When executives turn to their coaches in those moments of overwhelm, they might describe it as an issue of work/life balance, Or, it could show up as managing priorities, or even setting priorities. There is so much to TO DO, there is so much that HAS to be done, there is so much they WANT to do. And, in the mix, the last thing that happens is self care. They are taking care of everything and everyone except themselves.

The irony in this is without them, or better said, without their creative vision, the company would not have been formed or be as successful as it is today. This “busyness” has gotten the best of them. Creativity and joy in the development of something that was never in existence or never this good has gone and it is one task and one foot in front of the other. Resentment is high. Feelings of being stuck or a victim or at the mercy of their own success rise and it becomes a really unhappy situation.

If you see yourself in this, think back to what made you happy in the past. What brought you joy, fun, creative energy? Turning first to physical pastimes, did you love hiking or surfing or tennis? Did you like to sing, play an instrument, paint? Maybe, you used to go sit on a park bench for an hour on your lunch hour. What did you do just for you?

On a bigger scale, when was the last time you went away for a day by yourself? Or took a real vacation? Just the time spent planning a vacation is a real joy for us planners.

If you feel guilty or self absorbed taking time for yourself, notice the harsh judgments you make. Is that self care or self destruction? You are choosing your life day by day. Today, plan some time for self care. Be it 15 minutes or the whole day, it will be restorative. Make a joyous choice.

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