All week I’ve been hearing that long-term employees are taking new jobs for higher pay. Is it spring? Is it the pollen? Are the blooming trees and flowers bewitching our people??

Since 2007, people have hunkered in place for fear of the grass, not only not being greener, in fact, maybe being in the process of dying at other companies. That fear is long gone, and even employees that are not looking are being sought out through LinkedIn. It was such a great tool for you to look for candidates. Guess what? Other employers figured it out, too.

Now what?

You may be way behind the eight ball on this one, but better to do something than nothing.

  1. Run salary comparisons. If you are in the upper half, tell your employees that.
  2. Analyze the top 10% you can’t afford to lose, and make the deal a little sweeter if you need to.
  3. Remind your team of your vision, mission, values and goals.
  4. Ask them where they would like to be in 3 years. Can you give them cross training or opportunities to do new projects that give them the experience they are looking for.
  5. Talk about the future and where they play into that at your company.
  6. Give them something to stay for.

If nothing else, spend a little time this week thinking about what your key employees do for the company. What would you do without them?


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