For the second meeting in a row, Vistage Member and IT Guru Alan Sugano walked into the room and called for a def-com alert. And, like that old E.F. Hutton commercial, when Alan talks, we all listen. Like an earthquake or a mudslide or a serious fire, this may never happen…but if it does there is an 85% likelihood that your business will not survive even 90 days. Did I get your attention?

What is it? A hacker gets into your system and wipes out all your data. From there they wipe out all your on line backups. If you do not have a physical backup that is not connected to your system, you will have nothing left. No data, no history. No customer files. No product files. Nothing. You are done.

Think this won’t happen? It happened to a friend of a group member. They searched in a panic for 3 days then fortunately found an old back up. It also happened to vfemail. They are an email service provider on the east coast. Their clients are not happy campers.

So how do you protect your business?

  1. Check that your cloud provider or your IT company does a regular physical backup.
  2. Maintain a physical backup that is not connected to your system.
  3. Listen to your IT people when they talk about 2 factor identification, backups, virtualization, etc.
  4.  Invest in your IT. You wouldn’t be in business without it and you won’t be in business if it gets wiped out by a hacker.

And look at Alan’s youtube post about protecting against a hack. Don’t let this happen to you.


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